Gargantuan servings are one of the main calorie culprits of weight gain. Start with small portions and take more only if you're still hungry. Experts even suggest that it's better to eat four or five small meals with moderate portions throughout the day than to have two or three large meals.
3. Fill Up On Fruits and Veggies
If you fill up on fruit and vegetables every day, you'll have less room for more fattening treats. To keep your snacks interesting, find a good produce store where you can pick and choose from more than just carrots and celery sticks. Stash some exotic fruit in your bag for when you're running errands or at work. While you're at it, buy a good knife to make prep work on fruits and veggies painless and quick.
4. Cut Back on Booze
A celebratory drink can cost you 150 calories or more. And that's if you only have one! Even if you're in the habit of having just a few drinks a week, cutting back on alcohol can save you hundreds of calories in the end. Save the cocktails for the special occasions coming up and sip water instead.
5. Exercise!
Yes, this is an obvious one. But seriously -- do something (anything!) to get moving. Twenty minutes of exercise a day will do wonders to boost your energy and kick-start the calorie burning process. Walk to the grocery store, take the stairs at work, or at least do a few laps of window shopping in your local mall. If you're serious about shedding inches, aim to do 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise (running, cycling, swimming) three or four days a week. Get a six-month workout regimen here.
Read more: Wedding Workout Exercise - Wedding Beauty Tips - 5 Ways to Lose Weight Before the Wedding - TheKnot.com http://wedding.theknot.com/wedding-beauty-tips/wedding-workout-exercise/articles/wedding-weight-how-to-lose.aspx?page=5#ixzz1KdqCVEwH
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