Every groom wants to find something special for his future Mrs.
Every wedding guest sees that list of towels, kitchen utensils, and home decor on the registry and wishes they could find something that the couple will open and think "Oh wow! This is perfect!" and not just because they picked it out at the store 6 months ago.
Enter Uncommon Goods - the ultimate destination to fulfill all your gift-giving dreams. This website has more unusual gifts than your little heart could ever desire, so we'll highlight our favorites!

And did we mention that it's super cute? Oh, we just did that. Good.
Date Night Idea Cards
Is your man just slightly obsessed with his hometown? I know a few grooms who would've just died at the altar to see their homestate appear on their wedding band. Ok, maybe they wouldn't have died. That would probaly be bad. And maybe they would've wanted something a little more special for their wedding band, but what guy wouldn't love to have a ring that's such a conversation piece? We think it's a cool idea and your groom might, too.
Face Mug
This last item should probably fall under the category: Things You Don't Need... but you just have to have! Just imagine, you're sitting on the back porch drinking your morning ritual hot cocoa. You look down and see that you have eaten ALL of the mini marshmallows... Oh no! What's a girl to do? Have no fears, there is a secret stash of extra marshmallows just inches from your fingertips. We found a solution. The world will continue to turn.
See? You need this mug. Oh, and it's available in white, too. As if you needed more reasons to buy it.
With Love and Gifts,
The Emily Weddings Team